Castle Of Batavia Wallpaper by Rijksmuseum
The market of Batavia, with the fortress of the Dutch East India Company in the background. There are Javanese selling fruit, a Chinese selling fish, and Mollucans kicking a rattan ball. The market public includes Japanese, Indonesians, ‘mardijkers’ (freed slaves recognizable by their striped clothes) and a Dutch–Indonesian couple with their slave carrying a pajoeng (parasol). The painting hung in the assembly room of the Oost-Indisch Huis in Amsterdam.
This NLXL wallpaper is printed on our premium quality 160 grs non woven wallpaper.
Size: Width 243,5 cm x Length 300 cm = 7,31m2
Size: Width 95,9" x Length 118,1" = 78,63 SqFt
No repeat, match 300cm (118.1")
Mentioned size is example. Murals can be printed at any size upon request. Contact us for more information at customers.eu@nlxl.com
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