ASU-01 Enchanted Garden media thumbnails
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ASU-01 Enchanted Garden 5 drops Swatch Crop Shopify.jpg
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Anna Surie


Enchanted Garden Wallpaper by Anna Surie

Anna’s work shows a fascination of contrast between the idyllic surface of bourgeois existence and the inevitable dark side of life. Although her techniques may differ – from 3d-fantasy worlds in boxes to textile and paper collages – her work always displays an ironic, almost cynical view of the world. The work "Enchanted Garden" shows an romantic flowery landscape, made of paper cuts. A closer look reveals what lies beneath: violence, lust, dictatorship, death. No light without darkness, according to Anna.

This NLXL wallpaper is printed on our premium quality 160 grs non woven wallpaper.

Order a sample of this wallpaper here!

Size: Width 146,1 cm x Length 330 cm = 4,82m2
Size: Width 57,5" x Length 129,9" = 51,9 SqFt
No repeat, match 350cm (137.8")

Mentioned size is example. Murals can be printed at any size upon request. Contact us for more information at

Find all Anna Surie wallpapers & bio here (new window)