Suzan Hijink

Suzan Hijink

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Suzan Hijink (1997) is a designer from The Netherlands with a background in illustration, she makes both editorial and free work. She has collaborated with Leading Dutch Newspaper "Trouw", de Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) and the Zuiderzee Museum. Fresh colors and structures flow from her digital brush. Her illustrations are realistic with a surreal twist. Is it real or not? Do you believe what you see? With these questions she challenges the viewer to look closer.

Suzan about the “What the Food” Collection:

"Organic, vegan, artisanal, bonus, sugar-free or slave-free. Do you know what to buy in the supermarket? With so much conflicting information about food and the knowledge that any choice you make has a direct impact on your health, the environment and animal welfare. 

I don't understand it and feel like I'm lost in a maze of misinformation. I would prefer healthy and tasty food that is good for the environment, animal welfare and my wallet at the same time. But once I’m in the supermarket, I am flooded with labels, promotions and temptations. First I put the free-range eggs in my basket, but a little later I exchange them for the organic version. Quite pricey, and who says these mother hens get a good life? I am also starting to have doubts about fair trade chocolate, artisan spelled bread and light juices. I'm reading conflicting information and don't know what to believe anymore. I believe that we need less choice stress, so that we can continue to live a healthy life. Where are the avocados? Where is the emergency exit?"