MRV-26 Framed Webbing media thumbnails
MRV-26 Framed Webbing No wainscoting Crop Middle Sceno Shopify.jpg
MRV-26 Cane Webbing Close up LoRes.jpg
MRV-26 CROP Framed Webbing.jpg
MRV-26 Framed Webbing with MRV-22 Wainscoting Brown.jpg

Mr and Mrs Vintage


Framed Webbing Wallpaper by Mr and Mrs Vintage

Weaved cane is one of the oldest techniques used in furniture manufacturing. Cane strips have been used in objects since ancient times, originating as basket material and evolving into furniture. Caned furniture first appeared in Holland, England and France around the 1660’s thanks to bustling trade with Asia. Thonet revolutionized the furniture industry in 1859 with its 214 chair. The simple caned seat contributed to the chair’s extraordinary lightness, which meant that it was less expensive to produce and transport.

This NLXL wallpaper is printed on our premium quality 160 grs non woven wallpaper.

EU Size: Width 48,7 cm x Length 1000 cm = 4,87m2
US Size: Width 19,2" x Length 393,7" = 52,42 SqFt
Repeat 300cm (118.1"), Match 48,7cm (19.2")

Order a sample of this wallpaper here!

Can be combined with MRV-22, MRV-23, MRV-24, MRV-25 & MRV-33 wainscoting wallpapers.

Find all Mr and Mrs Vintage wallpapers & bio here (new window)